I'm | MenesesGHZ. Developer. Creative.

My Projects

These are my main projects that I myself have been develop during my timeline as a programmer. I suggest to check them out and have some fun :)

Glitch with C++ and OpenMP

Pixel Sorting algorithms written in C++ with OpenMP support. This tool allows you to make glitch effects on an image from your command line.

Gorip v1.0

A tool for Facebook Scrapping, and have some interaction without the need of a web browser

Polynomial Regression Visualization

A polynomial regression interface to experiment with. Made with react JS, Chart.js and Mathjs.

MNIST with Artificial Neruronal Network

A basic Artificial Neuronal Network from scratch to deal with MNIST task (Recognition of Handwritten Digits). This artificial neruonal network only contains two layers, the input layer with 784 nodes wich is fully connected with the output layer w...

Snake 3D - Reinforcement Learning

The project itself consists in the recreation of the classic video-game "The Snake" into a 3D scenario. Implementing the computer graphics with the support of Three.js library, developing the mechanics of the 3D ...

KNN implementation with Python

Implementation of a classification algorithm, call it KNN, which belongs to supervised learning paradigm of the tree main types of learning in machine learning. It uses the euclidean norm to calculate the distance among all neighbours with respect...

K-Means implemented with C++

Implementation of K-Means algorithm which is clustering algorithm that specifically belongs to unsupervised learning. This algorithm seeks to find the centroids among all points, base on the number of 'K' clusters, with the main purpose to group u...

Nov 25, 2021

Glitch with C++ and OpenMP


Pixel Sorting algorithms written in C++ with OpenMP support. This tool allows you to make glitch effects on an image from your command line.





Jan 18, 2021

Gorip v1.0


A tool for Facebook Scrapping, and have some interaction without the need of a web browser



Nov 12, 2020

Polynomial Regression Visualization


A polynomial regression interface to experiment with. Made with react JS, Chart.js and Mathjs.





Jun 28, 2020

MNIST with Artificial Neruronal Network


A basic Artificial Neuronal Network from scratch to deal with MNIST task (Recognition of Handwritten Digits). This artificial neruonal network only contains two layers, the input layer with 784 nodes wich is fully connected with the output layer with 10 nodes, without any activation function. By default the ANN was only trained with 19,000 images instead of the 60,000 images in total. Further if you want to improve the accuracy of the predictions you are welcome to train the model.





May 25, 2020

Snake 3D - Reinforcement Learning


The project itself consists in the recreation of the classic video-game "The Snake" into a 3D scenario. Implementing the computer graphics with the support of Three.js library, developing the mechanics of the 3D environment from scratch. More over the project has the implementation of a reinforcement learning algorithm, using the Monte Carlo Methods theory describe by S. Sutton and G. Barto in their book "Reinforcement Learning an Introduction". Specifically the project has the algorithmic implementation of Monte Carlo Exploring Starts. In general, this method seeks to find the best action to take in a certain state, mapping a certain action, which is going to maximize the reward in a long term, with a respective state.



Reinforcement Learning


Mar 17, 2020

KNN implementation with Python


Implementation of a classification algorithm, call it KNN, which belongs to supervised learning paradigm of the tree main types of learning in machine learning. It uses the euclidean norm to calculate the distance among all neighbours with respect to the unknown neighbour. The implementation was made with python, and the purpose of the "project" itself, it was for pure academic demonstration.


Supervised Learning



Jun 05, 2019

K-Means implemented with C++


Implementation of K-Means algorithm which is clustering algorithm that specifically belongs to unsupervised learning. This algorithm seeks to find the centroids among all points, base on the number of 'K' clusters, with the main purpose to group up certain observation that are going to belong to a certain centroid.


Unsupervised Learning

